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Las Fincas is the literal translation of the Spanish word for farms or agricultural land. For us the word goes beyond its natural meaning, to us Las Fincas is the sum of two philosophies, two business backgrounds, two friends with the same vision and objective. We share a common goal to promote the uniqueness of high quality coffee, to share the stories of the farmers implicated in its production and processing and to encourage better coffee business platforms that enhance the living quality of all of us that are involved. We strongly believe that the future of specialty coffee lies directly in the collaborative efforts of farmers, exporters-importers, roasters and consumers.

Our mission is to combine all the fine characteristics of our coffee beans with the stories of the farmers behind their production and fuse them together to produce a taste profile that reflects all of these unique and complex aspects at the first sip. Getting to this point has not been easy, but it sure has been a challenge that we have been ready to take on since roast batch number one. Combined, we bring years of positive and successful customer care and service skills, product development, marketing and sales experience that help us find creative ways to get our delicious coffee into people’s cups.


Las Fincas is the literal translation of the Spanish word for farms or agricultural land. For us the word goes beyond its natural meaning, to us Las Fincas is the sum of two philosophies, two business backgrounds, two friends with the same vision and objective. We share a common goal to promote the uniqueness of high quality coffee, to share the stories of the farmers implicated in its production and processing and to encourage better coffee business platforms that enhance the living quality of all of us that are involved. We strongly believe that the future of specialty coffee lies directly in the collaborative efforts of farmers, exporters-importers, roasters and consumers.

Our mission is to combine all the fine characteristics of our coffee beans with the stories of the farmers behind their production and fuse them together to produce a taste profile that reflects all of these unique and complex aspects at the first sip. Getting to this point has not been easy, but it sure has been a challenge that we have been ready to take on since roast batch number one. Combined, we bring years of positive and successful customer care and service skills, product development, marketing and sales experience that help us find creative ways to get our delicious coffee into people’s cups.


Las Fincas is the literal translation of the Spanish word for farms or agricultural land. For us the word goes beyond its natural meaning, to us Las Fincas is the sum of two philosophies, two business backgrounds, two friends with the same vision and objective. We share a common goal to promote the uniqueness of high quality coffee, to share the stories of the farmers implicated in its production and processing and to encourage better coffee business platforms that enhance the living quality of all of us that are involved. We strongly believe that the future of specialty coffee lies directly in the collaborative efforts of farmers, exporters-importers, roasters and consumers.

Our mission is to combine all the fine characteristics of our coffee beans with the stories of the farmers behind their production and fuse them together to produce a taste profile that reflects all of these unique and complex aspects at the first sip. Getting to this point has not been easy, but it sure has been a challenge that we have been ready to take on since roast batch number one. Combined, we bring years of positive and successful customer care and service skills, product development, marketing and sales experience that help us find creative ways to get our delicious coffee into people’s cups.


It's been 20 years since we started roasting coffee and we have been grooming for this moment. We have developed roasting techniques and recipes that bring out the best aspects of each type of coffee and of each farm’s terroir and varietal. For Pete’s sake, we even rebuilt our roast chamber to fit our methods instead of us adapting to it.


It's been 20 years since we started roasting coffee and we have been grooming for this moment. We have developed roasting techniques and recipes that bring out the best aspects of each type of coffee and of each farm’s terroir and varietal. For Pete’s sake, we even rebuilt our roast chamber to fit our methods instead of us adapting to it.


We are a fairly trading company, we offer a business model that empowers farmers by proposing value for quality. This encourages the coffee producers to output better beans through a model that offers equal trading opportunities instead of a charity model that simply donates a minimal prime per pound.


We are a fairly trading company, we offer a business model that empowers farmers by proposing value for quality. This encourages the coffee producers to output better beans through a model that offers equal trading opportunities instead of a charity model that simply donates a minimal prime per pound.


We imagine a coffee industry that benefits the people at its roots and that elevates their living conditions. Coffee that is respectfully promoted and consumed around the world and that is available to be enjoyed equally in producing and consuming countries. Our beans are selected on a “best quality” basis as they all score highly by their cupping qualities, making them specialty coffee grade. Sometimes they are conventional, organic, fair-trade certified or both. To us, a label is not enough to make coffee beans interesting, we prefer to offer quality above anything else.


We invite you to jump in our roasting adventure and taste the stories our coffees tell in every cup.


Armando Gonzalez


Warren Williams

"One ironic thing about coffee is that it starts its journey at the shoulder of one man, only to end its voyage at the shoulder of another man"



We imagine a coffee industry that benefits the people at its roots and that elevates their living conditions. Coffee that is respectfully promoted and consumed around the world and that is available to be enjoyed equally in producing and consuming countries. For this reason all our coffees are 100% traceable as far as we can trace them. Our beans are selected on a “best quality” basis as they all score highly by their cupping qualities, making them specialty coffee grade. Sometimes they are conventional, organic, fair-trade certified or both. To us, a label is not enough to make coffee beans interesting, we prefer to offer quality above anything else.


We imagine a coffee industry that benefits the people at its roots and that elevates their living conditions. Coffee that is respectfully promoted and consumed around the world and that is available to be enjoyed equally in producing and consuming countries. For this reason all our coffees are 100% traceable as far as we can trace them. Our beans are selected on a “best quality” basis as they all score highly by their cupping qualities, making them specialty coffee grade. Sometimes they are conventional, organic, fair-trade certified or both. To us, a label is not enough to make coffee beans interesting, we prefer to offer quality above anything else.


We invite you to jump in our roasting adventure and taste the stories our coffees tell in every cup.


Armanda Gonzalez


Warren Williams

"One ironic thing about coffee is that it starts its journey at the shoulder of one man, only to end its voyage at the shoulder of another man"



We invite you to jump in our roasting adventure and taste the stories our coffees tell in every cup.


Warren Williams


Armando Gonzalez

"One ironic thing about coffee is that it starts its journey at the shoulder of one man, only to end its voyage at the shoulder of another man"


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